Are you looking to make money from blogging? If so, perfect! Throughout my blogging journey, I have gotten one particular question a lot from my readers and the question is, “What type of blog niches make money?”

Now while this answer will vary too depending on the area of focus some niches always seem to be listed in the top 10 for many people.

For some reason, many of my readers thought you can only make money from blogging if you write about “blogging”, which isn’t completely true.

While a lot of bloggers that write about how to grow a blog do make great money, there are other niches that an individual can make money from too.

I personally know a lot of bloggers and writers who don’t write content about “how to build a blog” who are making over $10,000 a month.

Insane, right?

Few Things To Focus On When Picking A Niche:

How Do You Pick Out A Niche?

I get this question a lot and I always say focus on what people need help on. Think about what’s in demand that you love talking about? I believe you can start a blog and write about what you are passionate plus help others achieve something great. So, if you are just starting out think about what you can help others achieve. What problems can you help them with?

Focus On What Do People Need 

As stated above focusing on what people need will really help you build trust and help build your income with your blog and/or business. Before I create any products for my audience I make sure to send them a survey to see what they need help on at that moment. I currently make around $2000 per month with my blog and one of my first priorities is focusing on what my audience needs. If you are looking for a new way to increase your income you can totally start a blog in a niche that drives a ton of traffic to it such as niches like fitness, make money and mommy topics(Breastfeeding, Labor, and delivery and Postpartum).

To help give you some new ideas this post will cover 10 blog niches that I have seen make a great deal of money for different bloggers.

10 Blog Niches That Make A lot of Money & Drive Ton of Traffic 

1. Food

Let’s talk about the awesome niche of food blogging. I absolutely love going to food and recipes websites to see all the wonderful recipes to cook for my family on a daily basis.

Like me, thousands of other people go to food websites to get inspiration and ideas on what to cook for their families every single day.

One blogger that really stands out to me in this field is Pinch Of Yum. I recently saw one of her income reports from a few years ago and she made over $80,000 in that month and most of her income came right from ads being placed on her site.

So, if you are great at making recipes and also great at taking amazing photos of your food than look into this niche and study some of the greats like Pinch of Yum who have made a killing in it.

2. Personal Finance

This is probably one of my favorite niches and the one I am currently in. When I first started my blog in 2016, I didn’t really know that the type of posts I was writing about (ways to make extra money, side hustles, pay debt posts) were put in the personal finance niche.

This niche is very popular on Pinterest just like the Food niche and can help you get a ton of traffic to your site fairly quickly.

This niche can cover topics such as debt pay off tips, credit repair, ways to make money, work from home jobs, frugal living, saving and budgeting tips and almost anything about money.

A personal finance blogger that a lot of people know that makes over $100,000 in Michelle from Making sense of cents. She currently makes most of her income from affiliate marketing and killing the game one blog post at a time. On top of that, she is super nice and always replied back to any emails I sent her when I first started out.

More Personal Finance Bloggers To Check-Out:

3. Mommy/ Parenting 

Another one of my favorite niches is the mommy/ parenting niche. One of the reasons this niche does so amazingly well is because so many parents out there need support on their journey.

If you are wondering how I know, Well, I am one of them. 

After having my first son,  parenting blogs became my best friend for baby and parenting knowledge.

A blogger that does this niche right is Carly on Purpose! Carly is a work from home mom who has built her blog into a full-time business making over $5,000 each month with her blog, Carly on purpose.

If you love sharing advice on what has worked great for you raising your children then maybe this niche might be the perfect fit.

4. Lifestyle 

This niche can be a lot of different topics into one. While developing a website like this can take a little longer for Google to figure out what your site is about it can be a niche where you can make some great income from. For example, the bloggers over at Chasing Foxes have mastered taking multiple blog niches and make them into “list” posts on their site.

One thing that stood out to me about their posts is that they help readers solve a problem. You will see everything on their site from ways to make money to how to become a vegan. In one of their latest blog reports, they made over $19,000 with their blog in one month.

5. DIY & Interior Design

Who doesn’t like a little help with decorating their home? Because of the needs to get inspiration for home decorating this niche is a great one to get into if you love DIY  stuff and helping others decorate their homes. A blogger that is a great example of doing well in this niche is Arts and Classy.

When I saw her blog name I instantly thought about my blog Arts and Budgets so I had to check it out. Once I got there I noticed that in her November income report from a year ago said she made over $4000 with her blog. She probably makes well over that now. So, if you love interior designs and decorating homes maybe think about this niche as an option.

6. Make Money From A Business

My blog can be considered to be in this niche as well as I help bloggers and online business owners make money with their business. I also adore helping other bloggers and online business owners make money from doing what they love.

This niche is awesome because they teach others how to make money from blogging and from their business. A lot of content creators in this niche post income reports to let their readers know how much they are actually making each month to build trust and to show proof.

One online business creator I know that Is working this niche really well is The Six Figure Chick. She currently makes $100,000 a month selling her digital products and teaching other business owners how to use Instagram to sell their products. Some other bloggers in this niche to check out are Dr. Tracy TimberlakeNicole Walters, and Melyssa Griffin.

7. Faith-Christian & Personal Development

I absolutely love faith and Christian blogs. If you are going through a hard season these blogs can help uplift you. Because of this need, this niche will always be in demand for many. My friend, Proverbs 31 Business Woman makes a great income from helping women build faith-based business God’s way. She also has a course that teaches bloggers how to tackle Facebook ads to increase income.

When I first met her, she made $1000 in one day with Facebook Ads by promoting her monthly bible study which has an option to purchase a $5 workbook.

Another blogger in this field that is doing amazing is Heather Lindsey. Heather and her husband Cornelius are pastors at a local church in Atlanta and have their own Christian publishing company. Combined they have released over 10 books and do a lot of volunteer work to help their community such as worldwide baby showers, conferences, and speaking engagements.

8. Work From Home 

Oh, how I love this niche. The bloggers in this field do very well with having organic traffic and building traffic from Pinterest.


It’s because people are always looking for ways to work from home. A blogger and friend of mine that is doing amazing in this is niche Virginia from Earn Smart Income Class. In one of her recent income report, Virginia shares how she made over $4000 from her blog. She also gets over 200,000 page views each month to her blog.

I have noticed that a lot of bloggers in this niche do very well if they post up posts every single week. Some of the other bloggers that do great in this niche are Work from home happinessThe Work at home womanReal ways to earn money online. If you love helping others find ways to make money from home, this might be a great niche for you.

9. Fitness & Health 

Who doesn’t like getting fit and staying in shape? Because of that reason going into the fitness and health niche is a great one to make real money in but it can be a little up and down. This niche can drive a lot of traffic to a site but can be a little bit harder to actually sell actual products. So, the best places to start in this niche, in my opinion, are affiliate marketing and by placing ads on your site.

With affiliate marketing, you can recommend different products and exercise equipment that has helped you achieve your fitness goal. Recommending products, services, and equipment goes well in this niche because a lot of people are looking for solutions to help them lose weight, stay active and get in shape on a daily basis.

Another area you can make great money from in this niche is by placing ads on your website. Since this niche can drive a ton of traffic to your site you can make anyway between $1000- $5000 and up from working with companies such as Mediavine and Adthrive and getting ads placed on your actual site.

10. Travel 

Girl traveling the world

Oh, how I love looking at different travel blogs for inspiration. This is another niche that can do very well. Some things to focus on with travel blogs are taking professional photos and making sure your photos look amazing. The key to keeping people coming back to your site is having and taking great photos of the places you travel to.  So, if you are interested in this niche, I would highly suggest purchasing a professional camera such as a Canon Camera and editing software.

If your photos aren’t high-quality it might be harder to keep people coming back to your site on a daily basis. Lia and Jeremy of Practical Wanderlust are two bloggers that do great in this niche! In an income report on their site, they share how they made over $4,000 in one month with their blog. I love their blog because it’s fun and they have a lot of beautiful photos. Take a look at some of their photos from Hawaii by clicking here!

Alrighty, that’s it for now! Which niche are you in or thinking about joining?